How To Protect Induction Cooktop From Scratches?

Are you tired of scratches and blemishes on your induction cooktop? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about how to protect induction cooktop from scratches and other damage. We’ll talk about the best cleaning practices and tips for keeping your cooktop looking its best.

We’ll also discuss the various cookware that is safe to use on your cooktop and the types of cookware that should be avoided.

What Are Scratches On Induction Cooktop?

what are scratches on induction cooktop

Scratches on an induction cooktop are superficial marks or lines on the cooktop’s surface caused by accidental scratches or abrasions. These scratches can be caused by various factors, such as using hard or heavy cookware, placing objects on the cooktop, or not handling the cooktop carefully while cleaning it.

Scratches on an induction cooktop can affect its appearance and potentially reduce its efficiency if deep enough to interfere with its heating element.

How To Know If The Scratches On Induction Cooktop?

how to know if the scratches on induction cooktop

There are a few ways to determine if the scratches on your induction cooktop are superficial or deep:

Run your finger over the scratches

If you can feel the scratches with your finger, they are likely superficial. If you cannot feel them, they may be deeper.

Check the reflection

If you can see your reflection in the scratches, they are likely superficial. If you cannot see a reflection, the scratches may be deeper.

Check for heat damage

If the scratches are not affecting the cooktop’s heating element, they are likely superficial. If the heating element is not functioning correctly in the area where the scratches are present, the scratches may be deeper.

Consult a professional

It is best to consult a professional if you need clarification about the depth of the scratches on your induction cooktop. They can accurately assess the severity of the scratches and recommend any necessary repairs.

How To Protect Induction Cooktop From Scratches?

Induction cooktops are popular for many households due to their energy efficiency and ease of use. However, like any other appliance, they are prone to scratches and damage. This article section will discuss various ways to protect your induction cooktop from scratches and keep it looking new for a longer time.

Step 1: Use a Protective Cover

One of the easiest ways to protect your induction cooktop from scratches is to use a protective cover. These covers are usually made from silicone or other durable materials and fit snugly over your cooktop to provide protection. Make sure to choose a cover that fits your specific cooktop model to ensure a secure fit.

Step 2: Avoid Using Sharp Utensils

Another way to protect your induction cooktop from scratches is to be mindful of the utensils you use when cooking. Avoid using sharp or abrasive utensils such as metal spatulas or knives, as these can easily scratch your cooktop’s surface. Instead, opt for silicone or wooden utensils, which are softer and less likely to cause damage.

Step 3: Clean Up Spills and Splatters Immediately

Spills and splatters are common when cooking, but they can also cause scratches on your induction cooktop. To prevent this, it’s essential to clean up any spills or splatters as soon as they happen. Use a soft cloth or sponge and a gentle cleaner to wipe away any messes before they can harden and cause scratches.

Step 4: Use Heat-Resistant Pads

When using pots or pans on your induction cooktop, it’s a good idea to use heat-resistant pads to protect the surface. These pads are made from materials such as silicone or rubber, and they provide a barrier between your cookware and the cooktop, preventing scratches and other damage.

Step 5: Avoid Dragging Cookware Across the Surface

To protect your induction cooktop from scratches, be careful when moving pots and pans around on the surface. Avoid dragging them across the cooktop, as this can cause scratches and other damage. Instead, lift them up and place them gently on the cooktop.

Will Cast Iron Scratch On Induction Cooktop?

Cast iron cookware can scratch an induction cooktop. Cast iron is a heavy and hard material that can cause scratches on the cooktop’s surface if dragged or bumped against it.

To prevent accidental scratches, it is essential to handle cast iron cookware carefully while cooking on an induction cooktop. Using non-abrasive cookware, such as stainless steel or ceramic, can also help reduce the risk of scratches on your induction cooktop.

How To Protect Induction Cooktop From Cast Iron?

To protect your induction cooktop from scratches caused by cast iron cookware, you can follow these tips:

Use a protective cover

A protective cover can be placed over the cooktop while not in use to prevent accidental scratches caused by objects placed on the cooktop.

Use lightweight and non-abrasive cookware

Choose cookware that is lightweight and non-abrasive, such as stainless steel or ceramic, to reduce the risk of scratches on your induction cooktop.

Handle cookware carefully

Be mindful of handling your cast iron cookware while cooking on the induction cooktop. Avoid dragging or bumping it against the surface to prevent scratches.

Use a cooktop protector

A cooktop protector is a transparent, thin plastic sheet that can be placed on the cooktop’s surface to prevent scratches. These protectors are heat resistant and can easily be removed and replaced.

Clean and dry the cooktop after use

Make sure to clean and dry the cooktop after every use to prevent any food or liquid spills from drying and causing scratches on the surface. Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the cooktop, and avoid using harsh or abrasive cleaning products.

How To Protect Glass Stove Top From Scratching?

Protecting glass stove tops from scratching is easy and can be done in just a few minutes.

First, you’ll need to ensure your stovetop is clean and dry. If there’s any residue on the surface, wipe it off with a cloth or paper towel.

Next, cover the glass with aluminum foil. Make sure you cover every part of the stovetop—you don’t want any water getting under the foil and causing rusting!

Finally, put on oven mitts and spray them with cooking oil. Use enough that they won’t slip off when you hold your hands up to the stovetop. Use more cooking oil if necessary to prevent sticking.

How To Prevent Scratches On Glass Cooktops?

Glass cooktops are a great way to get the cooking experience you love without the mess. But they need to be more scratch-free. If you want to protect your glass cooktop from scratches, here are some tips:

1) Choose a glass cooktop with anodized aluminum or stainless steel. These materials can withstand scratching better than other materials and won’t rust or tarnish over time.

2) Use a silicone mat under your glass cooktop. This will prevent scratches on your glass surface and protect it from damage.

3) Keep your glass cooktop clean and free of food particles by wiping it down with a damp cloth daily and using only approved, non-toxic cleaners for the surface.

How To Protect Induction Hob From Scratches?

Protect your induction hob from scratches with these simple steps.

  1. Clean the hob’s surface with a soft cloth or sponge.
  2. Spray the surface with a water-based glass cleaner and let it sit for five minutes.
  3. Wipe off any excess cleaner with a dry paper towel, then buff the surface with a clean cloth until it’s shiny again.

Do Induction Cooktop Scratch Easily?

Induction cooktops are generally resistant to scratches and less prone to scratching than other stovetops, such as gas or electric. However, like any other appliance, they are not entirely immune to scratches and can be damaged if not handled carefully.

How To Remove Scratches From Induction Cooktop?

Scratches on an induction cooktop can be unsightly and may also affect the cooktop’s performance. However, with the right tools and techniques, it is possible to remove scratches and restore the appearance and function of your induction cooktop.

how to remove scratches from induction cooktop

Materials Needed:

  • Soft, non-abrasive cloth
  • Mild detergent or soap
  • Glass stovetop cleaner or ceramic cooktop cleaner
  • Plastic or nylon scrub pad (optional)
  • Cerium oxide (optional)


  1. Begin by wiping down the cooktop with a soft, non-abrasive cloth and mild detergent or soap. This will remove any dirt or debris that may be present on the cooktop.
  2. Next, apply a stovetop cleaner designed for induction cooktops. These cleaners are formulated to remove scratches and other imperfections without damaging the surface. Follow the instructions on the cleaner to apply it to the cooktop.
  3. If the scratch is still visible after using the stovetop cleaner, you may need to use a plastic or nylon scrub pad to buff it out gently. Be sure to use a gentle, circular motion and avoid applying too much pressure.
  4. If the scratch is still not completely removed, you may need to use a ceramic cooktop scratch repair product such as cerium oxide. Follow the instructions on the product to apply it to the scratch.
  5. Once the scratch has been removed, wipe down the cooktop with a soft, dry cloth to remove any residue.

How To Remove Scratches From Glass Induction Cooktop?

To remove scratches from a glass induction cooktop, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, clean the cooktop with a soft cloth or sponge and a block of mild dish soap to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Next, apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft, clean cloth. Rub the toothpaste onto the scratches in a circular motion, using moderate pressure.
  3. Once the toothpaste has been applied to the scratches, let it sit for a few minutes. This will allow the toothpaste to soften and lift the scratches.
  4. After a few minutes, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away the toothpaste and any dirt or debris that the toothpaste may have lifted.
  5. Dry the cooktop with a clean, dry cloth to remove any remaining toothpaste.

How To Remove Electric Stove Scratches?

There are a few methods you can try to remove scratches from an electric stovetop:

  1. Use a stovetop cleaner specifically designed for removing scratches. These products can be found at most home improvement stores and are typically applied with a soft cloth.
  2. Try using a paste made of baking soda and water. Mix the baking soda and water until it forms a paste, then apply the paste to the scratch and rub it in using a soft cloth. Rinse off the paste with water and dry the stovetop.
  3. If the scratches are intense, you may need to use a more abrasive cleaner, such as a scouring pad or steel wool. Be sure to use these products cautiously and only on the scratched area to avoid damaging the rest of the stovetop.

How To Remove Deep Scratch On Induction Hob?

To remove a deep scratch from an induction hob, try using a hob cleaner specifically designed for induction hobs, a mild abrasive cleaner such as baking soda, or a metal polish. If these methods do not work, you may need to have the hob professionally repaired. Use a gentle touch and a soft, non-abrasive cloth to avoid causing further damage.

How To Take Care Of An Induction Cooktop?

Induction cooktops are a convenient and efficient way to cook food, using electromagnetic energy to generate heat. However, like any appliance, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure they work at their best. Here are some tips on how to take care of an induction cooktop.


  • Regularly wipe the surface of the cooktop with a damp cloth or sponge. Avoid using harsh abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, as these can scratch the surface.
  • If food spills or burns onto the cooktop, use a scraper or spatula to remove any excess debris gently.
  • Make a paste of baking soda and water for tougher stains and apply it to the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth.
  • If your cooktop has a ceramic surface, you can use a ceramic cooktop cleaner to help remove any stubborn stains.

Preventing Damage

  • Always use cookware that is compatible with induction cooktops. This means using pots and pans with a flat bottom and ferromagnetic material, such as cast iron or stainless steel.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on the cooktop, as this can cause damage to the surface.
  • Use the correct size of cookware for the size of the burner. If the pot or pan is too small, it can overheat and cause damage to the cooktop.
  • When not in use, please turn off the cooktop and unplug it to prevent accidental damage.


  • If your cooktop has a removable cooktop, be sure to clean and replace it regularly to ensure it is functioning correctly.
  • If you notice any problems with your cooktop, such as a burner not heating up properly, a professional must check and repair it.

How To Clean Burn Marks On the Surface Of Induction Cooktop?

To clean burn marks on an induction cooktop’s surface:

  1. Unplug the appliance and allow it to cool down.
  2. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub the burn marks with a mild detergent or a mixture of baking soda and water.
  3. Avoid using abrasive scouring pads or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the surface of the cooktop.

Once the burn marks have been removed, wipe down the surface with a damp cloth to remove any remaining soap or residue. Dry the cooktop thoroughly before plugging it back in and using it again. If the burn marks are particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat the process a few times or use a specialized cleaner specifically designed for induction cooktops.

The Final Words

To protect an induction cooktop from scratches, it is essential to use utensils made of non-scratch materials such as silicone, wood, or plastic. It is also essential to avoid placing heavy or sharp objects on the cooktop surface, as they can easily scratch the surface.

Regular cleaning and maintenance can also help prevent scratches, as built-up dirt and grime can cause damage to the cooktop surface. Following these simple steps, you can keep your induction cooktop looking new and scratch-free for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Use A Silicone Mat On An Induction Cooktop?

Yes, you can use a silicone mat on an induction cooktop. It is a good option for protecting the cooktop surface and preventing scratching or damage. However, ensuring the silicone mat is heat-resistant and specifically designed for induction cooktops is essential. You should also ensure that the mat is positioned correctly and does not interfere with the induction elements.

Do Induction Hobs Scratch Easily?

Induction hobs are generally more durable and scratch-resistant than other types of cooktops. They are made from a smooth, glass-like surface resistant to scratches and scuff marks. However, like any surface, induction hobs can become scratched or damaged if they are not cared for properly.

How Does Induction Hob Get Scratched?

Induction hobs can get scratched when rough or sharp objects come into contact with the surface. This can include pots and pans with rough bottoms, metal utensils, or abrasive cleaning tools. Also, dropping heavy objects on the surface or dragging pots and pans across can cause scratches.

What Is An Induction Hob Protector?

An induction hob protector is a protective cover or pad placed on top of an induction cooktop to prevent scratches, stains, and other damage to the surface. It is made of a durable material such as silicone or heat-resistant plastic and is designed to be easily removable and reusable.

What Can Damage An Induction Cooktop?

Using non-magnetic cookware, placing heavy objects on the cooktop, and spilling liquids or food can cause all damage an induction cooktop.

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