What Is The Microwave Safe Symbol? (Essential Guide)

Microwaves are a staple in most households for quick and easy food heating. However, not all dishes are microwave safe, and using the wrong type of container can lead to dangerous accidents or damage to the microwave itself. This is where the Microwave Safe Symbol comes in handy.

The Microwave Safe Symbol is a universally recognized icon that indicates if a container is safe to use in the microwave. It is an essential tool for anyone who wants to heat up their food without worrying about any potential hazards. But what exactly does this symbol look like, and how can you recognize it?

This comprehensive guide will dive deep into everything you need to know about the Microwave Safe Symbol. We will cover everything from its origins to its various forms and meanings. Whether you are a seasoned microwave user or a beginner, this guide is for you. So, let’s get started and ensure your next microwaved meal is delicious and safe!

What Is The Microwave Safe Symbol?

The microwave safe symbol is a symbol that indicates whether a particular product or container is safe to use in the microwave. It is typically found on the bottom of containers, dishes, and other cookware.

The symbol consists of a square with three wavy lines inside it. Sometimes, there may be additional text alongside the symbol that confirms that the product is safe to use in the microwave.

This symbol indicates that the product has been tested and found safe for microwave use. It means the product will not release harmful chemicals or substances when heated in the microwave and will not melt or warp during use.

How To Identify The Microwave Safe Symbol?

how to identify the microwave safe symbol

The microwave safe symbol is universally recognized and usually found on the bottom of containers or dishes. Here’s how to identify the microwave safe symbol:

  • Look for the square symbol: The microwave safe symbol is a square with three wavy lines inside it.
  • Check for additional text: Sometimes, additional text may be alongside the symbol confirming that the product is safe to use in the microwave. The text may say “Microwave Safe” or “Suitable for Microwave Use.”
  • Look for manufacturer’s instructions: If you cannot find the microwave safe symbol on the product, check the manufacturer’s instructions or packaging to see if it is safe to use in the microwave.
  • Check for any warnings: If there are any warnings on the product or packaging that advise against using the product in the microwave, do not use it.

Why Is The Microwave Safe Symbol Important?


Using products that are not microwave safe can be dangerous. Some products may release harmful chemicals or substances when heated in the microwave or become very hot and cause burns.

Avoiding Damage:

Products that are not microwave safe may melt, warp, or crack in the microwave. This can damage the product, the microwave, or both.


Using microwave safe products allows for quick and easy reheating or cooking in the microwave. Knowing which products are safe to use can save time and make microwave cooking more convenient.


Using microwave safe products can help to ensure even and efficient heating in the microwave. Products that are unsafe for use in the microwave may not heat evenly, affecting the quality of the heated food or beverage.

What Does The Microwave Safe Symbol Look Like?

what does the microwave safe symbol look like

The microwave safe symbol is a square with wavy lines inside it, often referred to as a “microwave oven” symbol. It typically looks like three arcs or waves, which can vary in size and thickness, stacked on top of each other inside a square. The symbol is usually found on the bottom of containers, dishes, and other safe items in the microwave. It is essential to look for this symbol before using any container or dish in the microwave, as items without this symbol may not be safe for use and can cause damage to the microwave or pose a safety hazard.

What Materials Are Microwave Safe?

what materials are microwave safe

Some materials that are generally considered microwave safe include:

  • Glass: Glass containers are microwave safe if not decorated with metallic paint or features.
  • Ceramic and porcelain: Ceramic and porcelain dishes are safe to use in the microwave as long as they are not decorated with metallic paint or features.
  • Plastic: Some plastics are microwave safe, but it’s essential to look for products labeled as “microwave safe” or have the microwave safe symbol on them.
  • Paper and paper towels: Paper products such as paper towels, wax paper, and parchment paper are safe to use in the microwave.

What Is Not Microwave Safe?

What Is Not Microwave Safe

Some materials that are generally not considered microwave safe include:

  • Metal: Metal should never be used in the microwave, as it can cause sparks and potentially damage the appliance. This includes aluminum foil, metal utensils, and containers with metal accents.
  • Styrofoam: Most styrofoam containers are not safe for use in the microwave, as they can melt and potentially release harmful chemicals into the food.
  • Certain plastics: Not all plastics are microwave safe, and it’s important to look for products labeled as “microwave safe” or have the microwave safe symbol on them. Plastic containers that are not microwave safe can warp or release harmful chemicals when heated.
  • Paper bags: Brown paper bags should not be used in the microwave, as they can potentially catch fire.

How To Tell If Plastic Is Microwave Safe?

Microwave-safe plastic containers are marked with a microwave-safe symbol, typically found on the bottom or side of the container. The symbol is usually square with wavy lines inside or a symbol of a microwave with the word “microwave safe” or “microwave-friendly” written underneath.

Suppose you can’t find a microwave-safe symbol on the container. In that case, you can conduct a simple test to determine if the plastic is safe for the microwave. Place a small amount of water in the plastic container and microwave it for 30 seconds to one minute. If the container is microwave-safe, it will be warm, but the plastic should remain cool. If the container is not microwave-safe, it may become warped or melted, releasing harmful chemicals into your food.

How To Tell If A Bowl Is Microwave Safe?

To determine if a bowl is microwave safe, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the label: Some bowls come with labels that indicate whether they are microwave-safe or not. Look for any instructions or symbols that indicate it’s safe to use in the microwave.
  2. Inspect the material: Microwave-safe bowls are typically made of glass, ceramic, or microwave-safe plastic. Look for these materials in the bowl. Avoid using metal, aluminum foil, or plastic containers that are not microwave-safe.
  3. Check for cracks or damage: If the bowl has cracks or damage, it may not be safe to use in the microwave. Microwaves can cause cracks to expand, and damaged bowls may release harmful chemicals or cause injuries.
  4. Conduct a microwave test: If you still need to determine the bowl’s safety, you can conduct a microwave test. Fill the bowl with water and place it in the microwave for one minute. If the bowl stays cool and the water heats up, it’s likely safe to use in the microwave. However, if the bowl heats up or becomes hot to the touch, it’s not safe to use.

How To Tell If Styrofoam Is Microwave-Safe?

To tell if a styrofoam container is microwave-safe, look for a microwave-safe symbol or label on the container. This symbol may be located on the bottom of the container or on the packaging it came in. If you don’t see a symbol, you can find out if the container is made of expanded polystyrene foam, which is not safe to microwave.

Another method is to test the container by microwaving it for a short period with a small amount of water. If the container stays cool and the water heats up, it may be microwave-safe. However, if the container becomes hot or deforms, do not use it in the microwave. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and use a microwave-safe glass or ceramic container instead.

Final Thoughts On Microwave Safe Symbol

In the end, the microwave safe symbol is a crucial guide to determine which materials can be safely used in the microwave. A square with wavy lines represents it. It indicates that the container can withstand the heat generated by the microwave without melting, warping, or releasing harmful chemicals. Understanding this symbol is essential to ensure food safety and prevent accidents in the kitchen.

Always look for the microwave safe symbol before using any container in the microwave, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your appliance or putting yourself at risk. With this essential guide, you can confidently choose the proper containers for your microwave cooking needs.

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