How To Cook With De Silva Cookware?

De Silva cookware is a beautiful and functional addition to any kitchen. Made from high-quality terracotta, this cookware is perfect for slow-cooking dishes and creating delicious, hearty meals. However, cooking with De Silva cookware can be a bit different than cooking with other types of pots and pans. In this article, we will provide you with tips and instructions on how to cook with De Silva cookware.

First and foremost, it is important to properly prepare your De Silva cookware before using it. This involves soaking the pot in water to prevent it from cracking or breaking during cooking. Additionally, you should avoid using soap or detergent when cleaning your cookware, as this can clog the delicate pores in the clay. Instead, simply scrub your cookware with hot water and a sponge. With these simple steps, you can ensure that your De Silva cookware lasts for years to come.

Benefits of Cooking with De Silva Cookware

De Silva cookware is a popular brand of clay and terracotta pots and pans, known for their quality and affordability. Here are some of the benefits of cooking with De Silva cookware:


De Silva cookware is made from high-quality materials that are designed to last. The pots and pans are made from clay and terracotta, which are known for their durability and resistance to wear and tear. They are also resistant to scratches and chips, making them a great investment for any home cook.


De Silva cookware is made from non-toxic materials that are safe for cooking and eating. Unlike some other types of cookware, De Silva cookware does not contain harmful chemicals or toxins that can leach into your food. This makes it a great choice for health-conscious cooks who want to avoid exposure to harmful substances.

Heat Distribution

One of the key benefits of cooking with De Silva cookware is its ability to distribute heat evenly. The clay and terracotta materials used in De Silva cookware retain heat well, which means that your food will cook evenly and stay warm even after it is removed from the heat source. This makes it a great choice for slow-cooking dishes like stews, soups, and casseroles.

Preparation for Cooking with De Silva Cookware

When it comes to cooking with De Silva Cookware, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the best results. This section will cover two essential sub-sections: Seasoning the Cookware and Choosing the Right Utensils.

Seasoning the Cookware

De Silva Cookware is made of high-quality clay that requires seasoning before use. This process helps to create a natural non-stick surface that will prevent food from sticking to the pot. Here are the steps to follow when seasoning your De Silva Cookware:

  1. Wash the cookware with warm water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely.
  2. Rub the inside of the pot with a light coating of oil. Any vegetable oil will do, but some people prefer to use coconut oil or flaxseed oil.
  3. Place the pot in a cold oven and set the temperature to 350°F. Let the pot bake for one hour.
  4. Turn off the oven and let the pot cool down inside the oven. Do not open the oven door until the pot is completely cool.

After seasoning, your De Silva Cookware is ready to use. You can repeat this process periodically to maintain the non-stick surface.

Choosing the Right Utensils

When cooking with De Silva Cookware, it’s important to choose the right utensils to avoid damaging the pot’s surface. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use wooden or silicone utensils instead of metal utensils to prevent scratching the pot’s surface.
  • Avoid using sharp objects inside the pot, such as knives or forks, as they can damage the surface.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners or scrubbers on the pot’s surface, as they can scratch or damage the non-stick surface.

Cooking Techniques with De Silva Cookware

De Silva cookware is made of high-quality terracotta that is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes. To get the most out of your De Silva cookware, it is important to know the right cooking techniques. Here are some tips for cooking with De Silva cookware.

Stovetop Cooking

When cooking on a stovetop with De Silva cookware, it is important to preheat the cookware over medium heat. This will ensure that the surface is hot enough to prevent the oil from burning while cooking. If you have an electric stove, preheat your burner on low heat until it feels warm to the touch.

To prevent food from sticking to the cookware, it is recommended to use a small amount of oil or butter. You can also use non-stick spray to prevent sticking. When cooking with De Silva cookware on a stovetop, it is important to avoid sudden temperature changes. This can cause the cookware to crack or break.

Oven Cooking

When cooking with De Silva cookware in the oven, it is important to preheat the oven to the desired temperature before placing the cookware in the oven. This will help ensure that the cookware is evenly heated.

To prevent food from sticking to the cookware, it is recommended to use a small amount of oil or butter. You can also use non-stick spray to prevent sticking. When cooking with De Silva cookware in the oven, it is important to use oven mitts or pot holders when handling the cookware. The cookware can become very hot and can cause burns if not handled properly.

Grilling and Broiling

When using De Silva cookware for grilling or broiling, it is important to preheat the cookware over medium heat. This will ensure that the surface is hot enough to prevent the oil from burning while cooking. When using De Silva cookware for grilling or broiling, it is important to use oven mitts or pot holders when handling the cookware. The cookware can become very hot and can cause burns if not handled properly.

To prevent food from sticking to the cookware, it is recommended to use a small amount of oil or butter. You can also use non-stick spray to prevent sticking. When cooking with De Silva cookware for grilling or broiling, it is important to avoid sudden temperature changes. This can cause the cookware to crack or break.

Cleaning and Maintenance

De Silva cookware is known for its durability and long-lasting quality. Proper cleaning and maintenance can help extend the life of your cookware and keep it in top condition. Here are some tips to help you clean and maintain your De Silva cookware.

Cleaning Tips

When it comes to cleaning De Silva cookware, it is important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface. Here are some cleaning tips to keep in mind:

  • Hand wash your De Silva cookware with warm water and mild dish soap.
  • Avoid using abrasive sponges or steel wool to clean your cookware.
  • For tough stains or burnt-on food, soak the cookware in warm water for a few hours before cleaning.
  • Do not use bleach or other harsh chemicals on your De Silva cookware.
  • Dry your cookware thoroughly after washing to prevent rust or corrosion.

Storage Tips

Proper storage is also important for maintaining your De Silva cookware. Here are some tips to help you store your cookware:

  • Store your cookware in a dry, cool place to prevent rust or corrosion.
  • Avoid stacking your cookware on top of each other, as this can cause scratches or damage to the surface.
  • Use pot protectors or towels to separate your cookware when stacking.
  • If possible, store your cookware with the lids off to allow air to circulate and prevent moisture buildup.


De Silva cookware is a popular brand used by many people. The quality of the product is excellent, and it is also very affordable. One of the best things about De Silva cookware is that it is made from aluminum, which is a great conductor of heat. This means that the cookware heats up quickly and evenly, ensuring that your food is cooked to perfection.

Another great feature of De Silva cookware is that it is oven safe. This means that you can use it to cook a wide variety of dishes, including those that require high temperatures. However, it is important to note that you should never heat an empty clay pot, and you should always heat the pots gradually after filling them with ingredients.

Cooking with De Silva cookware is also a healthy option. Terracotta pots are known for enhancing the natural flavor of food and allowing you to prepare recipes in an easy and healthy way. They also do not stress the flavors of the food, unlike aluminum cookware.

In conclusion, De Silva cookware is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to cook delicious and healthy meals. Its affordability, quality, and versatility make it a popular choice among home cooks and professional chefs alike. With proper care and maintenance, De Silva cookware can last for many years, providing you with a reliable and effective cooking tool for all your culinary needs.

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